NovaX Global Investmatch Carnival 2024
|Hall 3
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2024年8月29日 GMT+8 10:00 – 2024年8月30日 GMT+8 18:00
Hall 3, 1 Airport Expo Blvd, Chek Lap Kok, Hong Kong
NovaX Global Investmatch Carnival 2024 is set to commence, marking an unmissable event in the realms of technology and venture capital. As one of Asia's most influential innovation and investment events, it brings together top-tier innovative companies, investment institutions, industry experts, and leaders from around the world to explore technological frontiers and investment opportunities.
The carnival will take place on August 28-29, 2024, at AsiaWorld-Expo Hall 3.
It is expected to attract over 10,000 participants from various regions, including 500 international professional investors, 300 innovative companies, and extensive coverage by 200 media outlets. This is a global platform gathering the power of technological innovation and a bridge connecting investment and creativity.
During this exhilarating event, participants will have the opportunity to listen to insightful speeches from industry leaders and innovation pioneers, engage in numerous themed roundtable discussions, have one-on-one speed meetings with investors, and showcase their innovative projects to receive immediate feedback. It will be a festival of brainstorming and inspiration, helping innovative companies seek funding support and collaboration opportunities while enhancing their visibility and influence in the international market.
The NovaX Global Investmatch Carnival is not only a platform for showcasing and exchanging ideas but also a powerful engine driving technological innovation and business development. The event will gather the latest technologies and innovative achievements in AI, Fintech, MedTech, Blockchain, and other fields, providing participants with a comprehensive technological experience and promoting the commercialization of innovative technologies.
Through this carnival, we aim to build a global innovation ecosystem, promote international cooperation in innovation and entrepreneurship, and drive technological progress and economic development. Whether you are an entrepreneur, investor, industry expert, or technology enthusiast, NovaX Global Investmatch Carnival 2024 will bring you endless opportunities and inspiration. We look forward to your participation in witnessing the future of technological innovation!